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Men's Health

Image by Matheus Ferrero

When men’s testosterone levels start to decline it is called Andropause. 

Levels may begin to decline due to mumps as an adult, prostate inflammation, or surgery, vasectomy, testicular problems such as orchitis or persistent urinary infections. 

Testosterone levels also may begin to decline as part of the normal aging process as early as men in their 30’s with a gradual decline and eventual development of symptoms as you get older.  


Symptoms may include: 

  • Low sex drive/Libido

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Low motivation 

  • Fatigue

  • Tiredness

  • Loss of energy 

  • Depression

  • Low or negative mood

  • Irritability/anger 

  • Bad temper

  • Anxiety

  • Nervousness  

  • Loss of memory

  • Low concentration

  • Relationship problems 

  • Dry face or hands

  • Excessive sweating

  • Back pain, stiffness  

  • Joint or muscle pain

  • Frequent alcohol use past or present 

  • Loss of stamina

  • Feeling overstressed

  • Lower muscle mass 

  • Increased fat distribution in chest or hips

  • Increased waist size 

  • Loss of early morning erection

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is an inability to achieve and /or maintain an erection enough for sex. Secondarily you may experience stress and lowered self-confidence, premature/delayed ejaculation, and these things may also contribute to relationship problems. 
How to fix it: Treat underlying conditions with medications, stop smoking, limit or avoid alcohol consumption. Do not use illegal drugs. 
The fastest way to correct Erectile Dysfunction is through oral tablets that we can prescribe for you if we feel it is appropriate. 
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