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What are bioidentical hormones?

The Endocrine Society has defined bioidentical hormones as “compounds that have the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the human body”. 

What hormone therapy is currently approved by the FDA? 

Synthetic conjugated estrogens derived from equine sources; non human sources. 

What is Bio HRT? 

A naturally derived plant-based hormone therapy. It involves treatment with hormones that have the exact molecular structure to those made by your own body. The body tolerates these better than synthetic (Equine) based hormones.  

How is it different from synthetic hormones? Synthetic hormones are derived from equine (Horse) based sources where bio identical HRT are derived from natural plant-based sources such as wild yams and soy. 

Why are bio identicals used?

Bio HRT can used to be treat multiple conditions in women such as pre-menstrual symptoms as well as menopausal symptoms.  

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